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5 tips on how to stay productive while working from home

A lot of individuals dream about working from the comfort of their own home, skipping their commute in favor of more sleep, family, or exercise time. Then again working remotely is a double-edged sword. The work-at-home model can make it challenging to stay focused and be productive. The daily adjustments for working from home are required and consequently it is obligatory to think of strategies and methodologies to be much more productive and evade all the distractions we have at home.

Following are 5 tips on how to stay productive while working from home: 

1. Create and maintain a morning routine

You should try your best to avoid the slacking off mentality and typically start your day the same as you would for a normal day at the office. Typically start your day by having a shower, a good breakfast, and exercising. Fixing and maintaining your waking up time ultimately puts you into work mode which starts your productivity off on the right foot. Sticking to a steady schedule sends a signal to your brain that you are getting ready to dive into the day's tasks. It also mentally distinguishes your work days from your weekends.

2. Customize workspace environment and set boundaries

You ought to create an area that is completely designated for your work. A lack of dedicated space also invites intrusions from family members and neighbors. It’s equally imperative to make boundaries by notifying others that in order to do your best work you need privacy and concentration. Let them know the detailed hours and times that you will be unavailable at and during when you cannot be interrupted. When you enter your workspace, your mind will comprehend that it’s time to concentrate and get down to work.

3. Go outside and take breaks

It is highly recommended and advised to take enough breaks in between working constantly from home. You can try balancing your work day by doing non-work related activities to break the monotony of your workday. This may seem counter intuitive, but participating in non-work-related activities can increase your creativity and productivity levels. If you want to improve your productivity, it's vital to take short, regular breaks by going for a small walk, stretching exercises, getting fresh air, etc after a specific period of your work day.

 4. Separate work hours and personal hours

Working from home will definitely blur the thin line between work life and personal life. It is really crucial to separate, plan out, and segregate waking hours into time for yourself and time for doing work. As an alternative to letting personal distractions throw you entirely off track, plan for them. Block time on your schedule during the day to order home supplies and groceries or relish a snack with your family. Without a plan, these interruptions can overhaul your schedule, affecting your productivity and job performance.

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5. Listen to selective music 

Seeing as many office environments do not allow music in your workspace, this is another great idea for creating your best working environment at home. You should always keep the comfort of people around you in mind while choosing what music to listen out loud. Numerous genres of music can help make working from home more enjoyable and productive. Make sure to steer clear from music that will distract you from your work. Use music to your benefit and for gratification while working remotely. Instrumental music and binaural beats are shown to be the best kind of music to listen to increase productivity while working.

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort."                                                   - Paul J. Meyer